Saturday, May 3, 2008
Season 4 - Episode 12 - Did I Stutter?

TAKING ON THE BOSS- When Stanley (Leslie David Baker) snaps at Michael (golden globe winner Steve Carell) during a meeting, Michael tries to give Stanley an attitude adjustment. Dwight (Rainn Wilson) decides to buy Andy's (Ed Helms)car. Meanwhile, Pam (Jenna Fischer) deals with an unexpected inconvenience after spending the night at Jim's (John Krasinski).
Writers: Justin Spitzer, Brent Forrester
Director: Randall Einhorn
Get in on the discussion in the comments and click HERE.
Check back throughout the next few days for all the info you need about "Did I Stutter".
"Did I Stutter?" News Items:
Read the TwoCents Review, Join your favorite Office Fan-Sites in the "Conference Room"!
Delete Scenes: 1, 2, 3
Watch the Entire Episode on Hulu, NBC's "Stutter" Photo Album, Download Dwight's Office Org Chart, Watch Two-Minute Replay
Brent Forrester,
Episode Guides 4,
Randall Einhorn,
Season 4,
Friday, May 2, 2008
"Safety Training" Helped Rainn Wilson be "The Rocker"

"The studios were at first reluctant to allow him to play the part. Producer Tom McNulty took the script, with Wilson attached as the lead, to Fox Atomic. "They've always said they wanted to break new comedic talent, and we told them they should go with this guy." As it happens, the day before he was to meet with the studio, an episode of "The Office" aired in which Wilson throws watermelons off a roof. McNulty showed the Fox executives the scene and they were sold. "They loved it," McNulty says."
Read more HERE.
"Did I Stutter" Two-Minute Replay
Didn't watch the show? Don't want to? (What's wrong with you!?!) Anyway, NBC can get it done in two minutes! (That's What She Said!)
Kate Flannery's New TV Guide Blog

Keep Reading...
New Creed Thoughts - Aww, He Has A Puppy!

Read it all HERE.
"Did I Stutter" Conference Room

Some of your favorite Office Fan-Sites have given their opinions on the latest episode. This time we're talking about "Did I Stutter".
Get in on the discussion in the comments and click HERE.
Favorite Moment: When Michael finally manned up and yelled back at Stanley and cleared the office of everyone but him.
Favorite Quote: Michael - "Dammit Phyllis. Alright, everyone out except Phyllis."
Overall Episode Grade: B+
Favorite Moments: Michael putting his face in the cement and then adding a 'That's what she said' when Dwight was pushing his face into it. That was fantastic!
Favorite Quote: Darryl: "Well see, um, in a gang world, we use something called fluffy fingers."
Overall Episode Grade: A
Favorite Moments: Darryl giving Michael the fluffy fingers "advice" and Pam answering the phone and writing a message without her glasses.
Favorite Quote: Creed (who else?): A lot of jazz cats are blind, but they can play the piano like nobody's business. I'd like to put the piano in front of Pam without her glasses and see what happens. I'd also like to see her topless.
Overall Episode Grade: A (maybe I'm being lenient but I've loved the post strike episodes!)
Favorite Moment: Michael and Stanley come to an agreement. That was actually very professional of Michael.
Favorite Quote: Creed: A lot of jazz cats are blind, but they can play the piano like nobody's business. I'd like to put the piano in front of Pam without her glasses and see what happens. I'd also like to see her topless.
Overall Episode Grade: B
Get in on the discussion in the comments and click HERE.
Dwight's Office Org Chart

Yeah, I thought you did! It's simple - click HERE! Or his Emergency Overlay HERE!
Lots to learn here! Tom Peets was the name of the accountant who took his own life. Devon (fired on Halloween) has the last name White. (Devon White is a former Major League Baseball Player). Devon was a suppliers relations worker. The warehouse workers have last names! Lonnie Collins, Madge Madsen and Jerry DiCanio.
"Did I Stutter" Photo Album has done it again. They have given us a fun album full of still photos from last night's episode!

Click HERE to check them out!

"Did I Stutter" TwoCents Review

“Did I Stutter?”
Original Air Date: May 1, 2008
PG Ignacio – TheTwoCents Associate Editor
Confrontation. What is the best way to approach an employee that seems to step out of line? There are probably several different ways a sensible manager would handle a situation like this. But we’re not talking about a sensible manager. How would Michael Scott handle the situation? A fake firing of course. Makes sense to me.
Continue r-r-r-reading...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The Five Families of the Scranton Business Park

I will let Kevin Malone describe them for you:
"The five families are the five companies of Scranton Business Park. The bosses rarely meet."

Without Michael around to take the heat. Andy Bernard and Kevin Malone went to the meeting in his place.
Click HERE for our ScrantonBranchOffice/TheTwoCents interview with Brian Baumgartner who plays Kevin Malone.

We all know and love Bob Vance. You can even suit-up in all kinds of Vance Refrigeration merchandise. You can click on the NBC Store for all the goodies or click on over to his Myspace page.
Click HERE to read our ScrantonBranchOffice/TheTwoCents interview with Bobby Ray Shafer who plays Bob Vance - Vance Refrigeration.

The man who knew they could have done this meeting by e-mail.
Yes, there really is a Paul Faust and yes he really runs an adventure website! And yes "Cool Guy Paul" and Paul Faust are one in the same.
Click HERE to read our ScrantonBranchOffice interview with Paul Faust who plays Paul Faust.

It's quite clear that this man is the brawn of the five families. His workers are taking up the parking spaces that are causing Andy, Kevin and the gang to walk an entire block from the extention parking lot. Upon a request from Paul Faust he simply gives them back their parking spots. Yes, you call call 1-800-984-3672!
W.B. Jones, aka Barry Sigismondi, where are you? SBO wants to talk to you!

Bill Cress isn't a fan of sillies and didn't take too kindly to Kevin's whining about the walk from the extention parking lot, and the amount of sweat that caused him.
Bill Cress was played by Terrence Beasor who has been doing character and voice-over work for years.
Click HERE to read our ScrantonBranchOffice exclusive interview with Terrence Beasor!
SBO Exclusive Interview with Terrence Beasor

Terrence Beasor, the man who plays Bill Cress is far from mean. He was nice enough to grant a quick interview with us here at!
According to his biography Terrence graduated from the Pasadena Playhouse, U.Mass. Boston, and earned an MFA from Brandeis University. He has appeared on film, TV, Stage and commercials and has also been "heard" in over 300 films and TV shows beginning with the re-voicing of the villian in THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY. He boasts, "I once did a scene with Ingrid Bergman, only she wasn't there." he revoiced an actor in A WOMAN CALLED GOLDA. He has been heard in all of the STAR TREK films, except the first, (mostly speaking Klingon) and was one fourth of the "voice" of the Borg.
Here is Terrence's interview with SBO!
ScrantonBranchOffice: Could you please tell TheTwoCents readers about yourself and how you started in "show biz"?
Terrence Beasor: After getting out of the Navy in 1956 I enrolled at the Pasadena Playhouse. When I graduated two years later, I started looking for work Nine years later I was still looking for work. I had managed to get my first Union card (Actors Equity) by doing a professional production of the "Dybbuk" at the Playhouse.
By 1965 I was in New York doing Off Off Off Broadway theatre for no money but I did find a wife, we married and moved to Concord MA, where my wife, Muriel and I directed community theatre. Meanwhile I went back to school and in 1976 graduated with a MFA in Theatre from Brandeis University. Shortly after that Muriel and I moved West where we settled in Santa Monica, California where we live today.
I found an agent and slowly started working. I supplemented my slim theatrical earnings by working as a bartender. New Year's Eve 1980, Muriel told me I didn't have to work pouring drinks anymore as I was making enough money as an actor. Bartending was no longer needed. Now the only time I pour a drink is for myself and my wife.
SBO: You've been seen in things such as Walk Hard, Scrubs and Chicago Hope, as well as voice overs in many many movies including many of the Star Trek franchise. What path led you to playing the role of "Bill Cress", one of the heads of the "five families" of the Scranton Business Park in the "Chair Model" episode of "The Office"?
TB: Walk Hard, Scrubs, Strange Wilderness, Chicago Hope, the voice of the Borg on Star Trek and a couple of hundred shows and commercials along the way.
SBO: What was the experience like working on a hit show like "The Office"?
TB: Working on The Office ranks up there with the most pleasant experience I have had in my career.
SBO: Do you feel we may see more of the "Five Families" in upcoming episodes?
TB: I certainly hope so.
SBO: What else can we look forward to seeing you in soon?
TB: Currently I have an Aricept commercial running and in the fall another movie. The last time I looked it was named I Know What Boys Like.
A huge note of gratitude to Terrence for taking the time to chat with us! You can check out information about "Chair Model" by clicking HERE. Also, want more info on the Five Families? We have that too! Click HERE.
SBO Exclusive Interview with Paul Faust

Paul Faust (his real name) appeared in the "Chair Model" episode of "The Office" and provided us with this great interview. Enjoy!
ScrantonBranchOffice: The Office was your first "gig". Could you please tell TheTwoCents readers about yourself and how you got started in "show biz"?
Paul Faust: Good question. I am actually an entrepreneur. I have basically been in sales my entire life. I usually have about 12 different business cards in my wallet as I tend to get involved in multiple things (blessed and cursed by ADD). I can't seem to ever sit still. After 11 years in a sales/consulting job in the security business I joined a company called Primary Wave Media as a partner. We have a few different businesses focuses. One of the businesses we started was a emergency preparedness company called 1800prepare, LLC. Our website is I started this business because it is truly something dear to my heart. I was a volunteer firefighter for over 7 years and my partner Gregg Hamerschlag is a EMT. We think it is a great business both to make money and do something good. Now that I got this part...I am going to take 5% of our profits and sponsor a search and rescue dog through this organization I met called I'm hoping they name the dog "Dunder". a break in the story to explain how I got the role. I have some very personal contacts who work on the show. About a year ago I was out in LA and I had an opportunity to visit the set. I met everyone who worked there. One of the writers...I guess thought I was "unique" and he wrote this character that I am told I was the inspiration for. They were auditioning actors for the part and I guess they didn't like anyone so somebody suggested they let me read for it. 30 minutes later....I had the part. 4 hours later I was on a plane to LA to shoot the scene.
SBO: Could you tell us a bit more about Disaster Kits Limited?
PF:As I mentioned before...I started a company called 1800prepare, LLC where we sell emergency preparedness kits and products. The company Disaster Kits Limited was a creation of the writers.
SBO: What was the experience like working on a hit show like "The Office"? What was your favorite part of your time working the show?
PF: Working on the show was great. They are really like a family on the set. I haven't been on many sets...but I couldn't imagine a better place to work in the business. Each and every person I encountered was great to me...the "new guy". They were all supportive and helpful. It is very clear that they all love working on the show.
I had met the actor who plays Kevin Malone before so it was great to do my first scene with him. He is so amazingly talented and funny.
The hardest part of the whole thing was not laughing during every take. I'm not sure if people know how truly funny these actors are. Each take they would change a line or two and it was borderline impossible to not crack up.
Its hard to pick a favorite part of working on the show. The entire experience was awesome and one I will never forget.
Now I will give you a real corny (but 100% true) answer about my favorite part of being on the show. On the night it aired I had about 20 close friends over to watch. I let me 7 and 3 1/2 year old stay up to watch as well. The person most excited and proud of me was my son. He would yell at everyone when the commercial broke to quiet down and he was screaming when I came on. After the show he was smiling ear to ear and had me sign autographs for his whole class. As a was nice to see him so proud of me. Nothing else can really compare to that.
SBO: Do you feel we may see more of the "Five Families" in upcoming episodes?
PF: I certainly hope so. Obviously it is out of my hands, but I hope they bring me back for more. I'd love to do it again. Hopefully everyone thought I did a good job and the viewers like the characters. We'll see.
SBO: Now that you've broken in - what's your next plan of attack in hollywood??
PF: I've gotten this far without a plan of attack so I'm not sure it would be a good idea to make up a plan now. I'd probably screw up whatever this crazy journey has in store for me.
Thanks for a great interview Paul! You can check out information about "Chair Model" by clicking HERE. Also, want more info on the Five Families? We have that too! Click HERE.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Craig Robinson Working Just For Laughs

"OTTAWA -- Comedy producer-director Judd Apatow, "Juno" helmer Jason Reitman and his father, Ivan, will headline Just for Laughs' inaugural Just Comedy conference, running in conjunction with the upcoming 16th annual Just for Laughs festival in Montreal.
Just for Laughs organizers also announced Tuesday a lineup of Hollywood heavyweights lined up for the annual fete that includes Seth Rogen ("Knocked Up"), "South Park" creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker, "The Late Late Show" host Craig Ferguson, actor-comedian Larry Miller, Jimmy Fallon, Russell Brand ("Forgetting Sarah Marshall") and "The Office's" Craig Robinson.
In addition, improv legend Ryan Stiles will be at the festival for the first time, joining Greg Proops in "Stiles & Proops: Unplanned"; actor Danny Hoch will present Taking Over, a one-man play about characters in a Brooklyn neighborhood; and author-comedian Greg Behrendt will host the Relationship Show.
The two-day Just Comedy conference will take place at the Hyatt Hotel in Montreal from July 17-18. Apatow, who wrote, directed and produced "The 40-Year-Old Virgin," will receive the conference's first Comedy Person of the Year award, while the Reitmans will participate in an "In Conversation" segment with conference participants.
The conference was the brainchild of Just for Laughs founder Gilbert Rozon, who has teamed with Achilles Media, which runs the annual Banff World Television Festival, to make the idea a reality.
Just for Laughs runs June 27-July 20 at venues in Montreal."
Click HERE for the article.
Steve Carell on Conan O'Brien For Finale Week
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Creed. Rocks. It.

People LOVE Watching "The Office" on DVR!

Amy Ryan to Appear on Finale!

"On Thursday, May 15th back-to-back hour finales of "My Name is Earl," guest-starring Milano, and "The Office," featuring Oscar-nominated guest star [Amy]Ryan, will wrap up the season for those acclaimed comedies from 8-9 p.m. ET and 9-10 p.m. ET respectively."
Amy Ryan has been in "Gone Baby Gone" (Oscar nomination), was a regular on "The Wire" and was in "Dan in Real Life" with Steve Carell.
Update: New pic from NBC.
WHO could Ryan be playing? Oh the possibilites!! Head over to COMMENTS and let's discuss! (Warning: I would assume possible spoilers will be discussed - don't go into comments unless you want to know.)
Jenna Blogged Too!

She also gave this little tidbit:
"This week we have another brand new episode of The Office..."Did I Stutter". This is the one where you learn a little secret about Pam. It isn't anything major but she gets teased relentlessly at work because of it. You also learn a little more about Jim and Pam's relationship outside of work."
Click HERE to check it out.
Angela Blogged: "Catching Up"

"Have a great week! And oh my gosh I have to say that the Season Finale of The Office this year will NOT disappoint. We finished shooting it last week and my head is still spinning from what the writers came up with. Holy cow!"
I can't wait!!
Click HERE to get to Angela's blog on Myspace.
Monday, April 28, 2008
I LOVE The Office...

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
How did I start watching? Oh man, long story... here in Brazil we only recently started getting the show, like about a year ago. I started watching by mistake the Diversity Day episode. But due to lack of free time I couldn't follow the show religiously. I only managed to watch later Health Care and a bit of Booze Cruise and The Injury. Many, many months later (November 2007) I caught a rerun of Casino Night. Little did I know about what was waiting for me. As the episode ended I was standing in front of the TV in shock. That moment I became a fan, went straight to my computer and started downloading the episodes.
Since it's very hard to buy stuff from Brazil I only own season one and two dvds. Nothing against season three just lack of money to buy it.
My favorite characters are:

After I check out the I visit Office Tally, The Northern Attack and Nette Layouts.

- The kiss and confession from Casino Night
- The 27 seconds of silence from Booze Cruise
- JAM kiss from Money
Have I met any of the cast?
Only in my wildest dream and fantasies.

- Casino Night
- Diversity Day
- Beach Games
Later, I started enjoying all the details about the show as a whole. The incredible writing and casting, all the subtext and the psychological depth of the characters specially Michael, the looks and pauses and the interaction with the camera. I could go on forever but I'm at my office and I'm done pretending to work. It's lunch time.
Now it's your turn! Tell us why you LOVE The Office! Click HERE for details.
More BJ Novak News

A fun website, Associated Content, posted a review of the evening, giving superlatives to interactions throughout the evening. Here is what they had to say about BJ Novak:
"Most likely to succeed: B.J. Novak
Perhaps the name of the award should be "most likely to keep on succeeding" because B.J. Novak is not only one of the stars of The Office, but is also a writer and producer on the show. Novak spent most of the night in a well-deserved spot in the VIP section of one of the pre-parties, but I was able to snap a quick picture with him and tell him about Trashwire. He was personable and definitely an over-all cool guy."
Click HERE to keep reading.
BJ Novak to Visit Conan O'Brien
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