Paul Faust (his real name) appeared in the "Chair Model" episode of "The Office" and provided us with this great interview. Enjoy!
ScrantonBranchOffice: The Office was your first "gig". Could you please tell TheTwoCents readers about yourself and how you got started in "show biz"?
Paul Faust: Good question. I am actually an entrepreneur. I have basically been in sales my entire life. I usually have about 12 different business cards in my wallet as I tend to get involved in multiple things (blessed and cursed by ADD). I can't seem to ever sit still. After 11 years in a sales/consulting job in the security business I joined a company called Primary Wave Media www.primarywave.com as a partner. We have a few different businesses focuses. One of the businesses we started was a emergency preparedness company called 1800prepare, LLC. Our website is www.1800prepare.com. I started this business because it is truly something dear to my heart. I was a volunteer firefighter for over 7 years and my partner Gregg Hamerschlag is a EMT. We think it is a great business both to make money and do something good. Now that I got this part...I am going to take 5% of our profits and sponsor a search and rescue dog through this organization I met called www.searchdogfoundation.org. I'm hoping they name the dog "Dunder".
Ok...now a break in the story to explain how I got the role. I have some very personal contacts who work on the show. About a year ago I was out in LA and I had an opportunity to visit the set. I met everyone who worked there. One of the writers...I guess thought I was "unique" and he wrote this character that I am told I was the inspiration for. They were auditioning actors for the part and I guess they didn't like anyone so somebody suggested they let me read for it. 30 minutes later....I had the part. 4 hours later I was on a plane to LA to shoot the scene.
SBO: Could you tell us a bit more about Disaster Kits Limited?
PF:As I mentioned before...I started a company called 1800prepare, LLC www.1800prepare.com where we sell emergency preparedness kits and products. The company Disaster Kits Limited was a creation of the writers.
SBO: What was the experience like working on a hit show like "The Office"? What was your favorite part of your time working the show?
PF: Working on the show was great. They are really like a family on the set. I haven't been on many sets...but I couldn't imagine a better place to work in the business. Each and every person I encountered was great to me...the "new guy". They were all supportive and helpful. It is very clear that they all love working on the show.
I had met the actor who plays Kevin Malone before so it was great to do my first scene with him. He is so amazingly talented and funny.
The hardest part of the whole thing was not laughing during every take. I'm not sure if people know how truly funny these actors are. Each take they would change a line or two and it was borderline impossible to not crack up.
Its hard to pick a favorite part of working on the show. The entire experience was awesome and one I will never forget.
Now I will give you a real corny (but 100% true) answer about my favorite part of being on the show. On the night it aired I had about 20 close friends over to watch. I let me 7 and 3 1/2 year old stay up to watch as well. The person most excited and proud of me was my son. He would yell at everyone when the commercial broke to quiet down and he was screaming when I came on. After the show he was smiling ear to ear and had me sign autographs for his whole class. As a dad....it was nice to see him so proud of me. Nothing else can really compare to that.
SBO: Do you feel we may see more of the "Five Families" in upcoming episodes?
PF: I certainly hope so. Obviously it is out of my hands, but I hope they bring me back for more. I'd love to do it again. Hopefully everyone thought I did a good job and the viewers like the characters. We'll see.
SBO: Now that you've broken in - what's your next plan of attack in hollywood??
PF: I've gotten this far without a plan of attack so I'm not sure it would be a good idea to make up a plan now. I'd probably screw up whatever this crazy journey has in store for me.
Thanks for a great interview Paul! You can check out information about "Chair Model" by clicking HERE. Also, want more info on the Five Families? We have that too! Click HERE.
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