Production is scheduled to begin in Spring of 2009. You can read more about the film HERE.
From the HR Desk:
Who out there loves The Office? Well, Scranton Branch Office would really love your help! Here is the scoop: We need more staff members... People willing to cover specific areas who look for and subsequently post stories on SBO. It's an easy gig - all you have to do is when, in your normal day of surfing, you come across a post-worthy story, just throw it up onto the site. That's it! (I'll teach you how to do it!) And if you find a story that is not in your regular area of coverage, just shoot it in an email to the person covering that area. Easy-peasy. Areas already covered are: Awards, Conference Room, Episode Specific, Merchandise, and Miscellaneous (If there is a category you think we should ADD, let me know and we'll do it, too!).The following is the current list what areas are still open...
MySpace Posts: OPEN
NBC.com Updates: OPEN
Outside Projects: OPEN
Please, if you love The Office, give SBO a little love, too. Just email us at SBO@thetwocents.com. Even if you don't want to cover a specific area, you can still shoot story idea emails our way! We'll have special buttons on the site soon for that specific purpose. Let me know if you have any questions!
Scranton Branch Office Head Editor
[photo: www.film.com]
Welcome back to The Office Conference Room, a forum for some of your favorite "Office" Fan Sites to submit their TwoCents in the days immediately following a new Office episode.
Plus, YOU, the fans, can join in on the fun! Right here on ScrantonBranchOffice, we have a discussion going about Baby Shower where you can give your very own TwoCents about the episode! To visit that forum, click here.
On to the Conference Room... the third episode of Season 5 deals with a very awkward party at Dunder Mifflin: Baby Shower
[Updated: 10/17/08 at 1:05 PM]
TheTwoCents.com: Rachel
Favorite Moment: When Phyllis was pumping up the balloon during her Talking Head... I swear she was about to crack up! And, of course, the voice mail "conversation" between Jim and Pam at the end.
Favorite Quote: "Do you have the Sharpie?!? Do you have the Sharpie?!?" -Dwight
Overall Episode Grade: A-
Life in the Office: Donna
Favorite Moment: At the end of the show when Pam and Jim were leaving simultaneous messages on each others voice mail and how in sync they were.
Favorite Quote: Creed (when imagining Jan's water birth delivery) "Must have been like the tide at Omaha beach"
Overall Episode Grade: A-
Flonkerton: Lauren
Favorite Moment: Lots of fun moments in this episode: The insane watermelon birth, Phyllis being told by Michael to "pump it" - a balloon pump that is, Stanley comparing himself to a pregnant woman, Jan singing, and of course Jim and Pam's in sync messages about being out of sync.
Favorite Quote: Jim - "Jan is about to have a baby with a sperm donor, and Michael is preparing for the birth of a watermelon with Dwight. Now, [Jan's] baby will be related to Michael through - delusion."
Overall Episode Grade: B+
Nettes Layouts: Nette
Favorite Moment: My favorite moment was the hug between Holly and Michael. It was so sweet and needed.
Favorite Quote: "Babies are one of my many areas of expertise. Growing up, I performed my own circumcision."-Dwight Schrute
Overall Episode Grade: B
Fancy New Beesley: Laura Ann
Favorite Moment: Michael saying,"Wanna go out?" after giving Holly a huge hug in the end.
Favorite Quote: "Playtime..is...OVEEERRRR!!!!!"-Dwight
Overall Episode Grade: A