Friday, March 14, 2008

According to the Advocate, John Krasinski Has a Big Gay Following

"As paper-pushing prankster Jim Halpert on NBC’s Emmy-winning comedy The Office, now in its fourth season, John Krasinski won our hearts as he awkwardly romanced Pam the receptionist. Punching in for his first chat with gay media to promote his new football comedy Leatherheads -- he thanked me afterward “for being so gentle” -- the 28-year-old holiday Gap model opened up about costar George Clooney’s irresistible superpowers, his own sex-symbol status, and riding high on Beyoncé’s radar."

Click HERE for the whole article.

"Hot Girl" Scores on SNL!

The March 8 edition of "Saturday Night Live" has generated the second-highest "SNL" results of the season in adults 18-49 and total viewers, according to "live plus same day" in-home viewer figures from Nielsen Media Research.

Hosted by Amy Adams (Katy on "The Office") and featuring musical guest Vampire Weekend, the March 8 "Saturday Night Live" averaged a 2.9 rating, 12 share in 18-49 and 6.8 million viewers overall. The only higher-rated "SNL" telecast this season was the February 23 edition, hosted by Tina Fey and featuring musical guest Carrie Underwood, which was the show's first original telecast after the end of the writers' strike.

Upcoming Talk Show Appearances...

Guests subject to change. Check your local listings for times and channels.

Monday, March 17 - Actor Rainn Wilson; musical guests Bell X1

Monday, March 17 – Host Martha Stewart, comedian Lance Krall (played Sensei Ira in "The Fight"), and musical guest Billy Bragg

Craig Ferguson
Monday, March 17 - Actor Ray Romano; actress Kate Flannery; comedian Jeff Caldwell

Carson Daly
Friday, March 14 - Melora Hardin, Lupe Fiasco

Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Creed Thoughts

"What’s better than a nice, hot bath? Almost nothing except for a nice, hot bath with a foxy lady and some fine aged Dominican cigars."

Come on, it makes you want to keep reading, doesn't it?"

NBC Getting Us Ready For "Dinner Party"

April 10th is happy day in Dunderland! The Office will be back BRAND NEW!!

The week before, NBC is treating us to the 4 episodes that ran just before the WGA Writer's Strike.

04/03/08 10:30 PM THE DEPOSITION
04/03/08 10:00 PM SURVIVOR MAN
04/03/08 9:30 PM BRANCH WARS
04/03/08 9:00 PM LOCAL AD


Greg Daniels Wants You To Be A Michael Scott!

USNews is ALL over "The Office" today! Here is a Q&A with Greg Daniels.

"For viewers who find themselves working in an office that feels very much like the one in the show, what's your advice on how to be successful in that kind of environment?

First of all, find out if you're the "Michael" in the office. If you are, congratulations. Success is yours. If you're not, just make sure you're not the "Meredith" because she gets hit with a car."

Read more from Greg Daniels by clicking HERE.

Are You A Jim Halpert?

U.S. News has this fun little story...

"A talented salesman with mad people skills, Jim has worked at Dunder Mifflin for several years—it was probably his first real job out of college—and has advanced from sales rep to assistant regional manager, but he is quite frank about his dispassion: "If I advance any higher, this would be my career. And if this were my career, I'd have to throw myself in front of a train."

He isn't alone in his ambivalence. Career coach Mary Jeanne Vincent says she sees many workers in their 40s and 50s who are still trying to figure out what they want to do when they grow up. "Many people have simply fallen into what they do, and it's comfortable and easy, and so they keep doing it," Vincent says."

Read this whole article, including information on the REAL James Halpert (friend of Greg Daniels), HERE.

Michael Schur Discusses Mose, Baseball, The Strike and Teri Hatcher!

All this and more is captured in a great interview Michael Schur did for a Kansas City blog recently.

"On to your other job, and I read where “The Office” is coming back on April 10, great news. Did the strike scare you? What's the best picket line story you can tell me?

The fear for me was that the explicably adversarial relationship between the people who program content for a living and the people who provide that content would metastasize, and before cooler heads prevailed, the entire TV industry would collapse in on itself like a dying star. (So yes, it did scare me, I guess.) Thankfully, the AMPTP finally realized that the total amount of money we are asking for is less than what Rupert Murdoch pays his mechanic’s assistant’s pool guy’s plumber’s animal trainer’s tennis instructor’s mechanic.

As for picket line stories, the best and funniest one was definitely the time a group of us walked in circles for 3 hours at the CBS lot. The second best story was the time a group of us walked in circles for 3 hours at the Paramount lot."

Read the whole interesting article HERE.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rainn Wilson Lending His Voice to Film

Reese Witherspoon, Hugh Laurie, Will Arnett, Seth Rogen, Rainn Wilson, Stephen Colbert, Kiefer Sutherland and Paul Rudd have signed on to lend their voices to DreamWorks Animation’s “Monsters vs. Aliens.”

Paramount Pictures will distribute the pic, DWA’s first film produced in Ultimate 3-D technology.

Click HERE to read Variety's report on it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

E!'s Kristin Says 30 Episodes Sounds Real!

"Sarah in Portland, Oregon: Is it true we're getting 30 half-hours of The Office next season?

I'm hearing that NBC actually requested 32 half-hours, but producers think that's just beyond the pale, so it could settle out at 30 after all. Meanwhile, ABC has requested 24 hours of Desperate Housewives next season. I'm also told that DH is able to do seven new eps to finish out this season by working seven consecutive Saturdays, so when the show returns, you raise a glass to the cast and crew for putting their backs into it."

Read her whole column HERE.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I LOVE The Office...

Chillicothe, IL

I became completely hooked on "The Office" because of Season 3!

I own lots of "Office supplies", and all 3 seasons on DVD.

My favorite characters are:

After I check out the I go and visit and netteslayouts on myspace, she rules!

My Favorite All Time Moments Are:
- I love JAM's first kiss
- The "moment from The Booze Cruise"
- The jinx

Have I met any of the cast?
No, I wish!

My Favorite Episodes Are:
- Booze Cruise
- Casino Night

Here is why I love my characters. Pam because she is every girl. Jim because he is what every girl wants. Dwight because he is hilarious!!

Now it's your turn! Tell us why you LOVE The Office! Click HERE for details.


Here is what we missed while we were gone...

- Happy Birthday Jenna Fischer!

- New Creed Thoughts!

- Kevin Malone Blogs!

- New Adventures with Angela!

- Leslie David Baker interviewed by FanCast!

- Steve Carell on MySpace, Regis and Kelly, and The Today Show.

- And how could we forget that Jenna was featured in Playboy!! (An article - she didn't "pose", calm down.)

Jenna and John C Reilly together again!

Jenna Fischer is joining John C. Reilly again in their new movie: "The Promotion".

"Here's the gist: Doug (Seann William Scott) is a painfully nice guy with a lovely little wife and a dead-end job as assistant manager at a supermarket. But when the company plans to open a bigger and fancier store in a nearby neighborhood, Doug sees his shot at the big-time: A store manager position that comes with a swanky raise and all sorts of extra benefits.

It's got a great supporting cast (Jenna Fischer, Gil Bellows, Bobby Cannavale, and Rick Gonzalez steal a few scenes of their own), although the flick is definitely the Scott / Reilly show -- and both of the actors really kill here. Plus Jason Bateman shows up for a few minutes, and that's always a plus."

Click HERE to read more about it.

I'm sorry....

I know Dunderheads, I've let you down. I've been missing in action... but what's a better day to come back into Dunderworld that the ONE MONTH COUNTDOWN till the NEW OFFICE EPISODE!!!


Look for more news, interviews, and more as we get closer to April 10th and the return of NEW Office episodes!

I know that sometimes "Sorry" isn't enough, so watch this instead...