All this and more is captured in a great interview Michael Schur did for a Kansas City blog recently.
"On to your other job, and I read where “The Office” is coming back on April 10, great news. Did the strike scare you? What's the best picket line story you can tell me?
The fear for me was that the explicably adversarial relationship between the people who program content for a living and the people who provide that content would metastasize, and before cooler heads prevailed, the entire TV industry would collapse in on itself like a dying star. (So yes, it did scare me, I guess.) Thankfully, the AMPTP finally realized that the total amount of money we are asking for is less than what Rupert Murdoch pays his mechanic’s assistant’s pool guy’s plumber’s animal trainer’s tennis instructor’s mechanic.
As for picket line stories, the best and funniest one was definitely the time a group of us walked in circles for 3 hours at the CBS lot. The second best story was the time a group of us walked in circles for 3 hours at the Paramount lot."
Read the whole interesting article