Annie L.
Morgan Hill, CAI started watching The Office during Season 2.
I own all 3 seasons on DVD, calendar, pens, pencils, coffee mugs, pads of paper, Dwight bobblehead & too many other things to name not to mention DVD's of the different actors movies they've appeared in.
My favorite characters are:

After I check I go check out
Nette's Layouts on MySpace,
Office Tally,
The Office on NBC, and
Give Me My Remote.
My favorite All Time Moments are:- Dwight's shunning of Andy in "Safety Training"
- Jim not being allowed to talk because Pam jinxed him in "Drug Testing"
- The kiss in "Casino Night"
I've had my questions answered by Karly Rothenberg (Madge) and Kent Zbornak on I've also received MySpace messages from Richard Gonzales who used to work on the show.
My three favorite episodes are:- The Secret
- Safety Training
- Conflict Resolution

"What I like most about the show, is even when an episode is not at its best, there is always a memorable line or moment that solidifies why the show is just that damn good. Every actor on the show has tremendous chemistry with each other. Though I root for Jim & Pam, there are so many other great couples including Jim & Dwight, Michael & Ryan, Michael & Toby, Michael & Dwight and Dwight & Angela. Everyone plays so well off each other that even when the actors don't have speaking lines, their facial expressions are worth a thousand words! I pop in an Office DVD at least once or twice a week. The show is a great "pick me upper" after having a bad day. No matter how dorky Dwight is, how bitchy Angela can be, or what a jerk Michael is, at the end of the day, I would still love to work at that office and I credit that to the brilliance of everyone on the show. The Office truly is an ensemble show and one of the very best ever on television."
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