As some of you may know, TheTwoCents (our mother site) moved into new digs last week.
Well, wouldn't you know it? We here at ScrantonBranchOffice got all lonely and decided to make the move as well.
Starting today, Siete de Mayo, we gonna need to change our business cards...
If you get here to SBO via the old twocentsbranchoffice.blogspot.com link, retype your bookmark to www.ScrantonBranchOffice.com and you'll show up in our new office space!
The new site has been built to be more user-friendly: Easy to find information, easy to read pages, easy to use lists, easy, easy, easy (that's what she said).
We hope that you will help us spread the word! Thank you for your love and support!
Most Sincerely,
KP, Rachel, and the entire ScrantonBranchOffice Family