Friday, November 7, 2008

The Office Conference Room - "Customer Survey"

Welcome back to The Office Conference Room, a forum for some of your favorite Office Fan Sites to submit their TwoCents in the days immediately following a new Office episode.

Plus, YOU, the fans, can join in on the fun! Right here on ScrantonBranchOffice, we have a discussion going about the most recent episode, Customer Survey, where you can give your very own TwoCents about the episode! To visit that forum, click HERE.

On to the Conference Room... in the sixth episode of Season 5, Dwight and Jim are shocked at the results. No, not the results of the election... the results of their annual Customer Survey.

[Last Updated: 11/6/08 at 11:11 PM] Rachel

Favorite Moment: The customer service training session between Dwight, Jim, and Michael where they do a bit of wacky role-playing. That was awesome!

Favorite Quote: Its a toss-up between "What color of mustard is his shirt?" from Pam and Dwight's "Two, maybe three if one wears out. How many shoes do you need?"

Overall Episode Grade: A-

NettesLayouts: Nette

Favorite Moment: Where do I begin? I loved this episode! The Jim and Dwight scenes were great! Kelly and Michael laughing after Jim and Dwight left was a fantastic moment! Pam on the bluetooth and her TWSS's made me crack up! I'm so excited for Dwangela too. There were a couple odd moments like Angela attending a Kelly party, but overall I just loved this episode.

Favorite Quote: "I've caught Jim talking to himself several times today. What a loser. Get a friend, loser." -Dwight Schrute

Overall Episode Grade: A

Life in the Office: Donna

Favorite Moment: The Jim/Dwight/Michael sales call "lesson"

Favorite Quote: "You can't say you were raped and expect all your problems to go away. Not again." -Micheal to Kelly

Overall Episode Grade: B-

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