Chillicothe, IL
I became completely hooked on "The Office" because of Season 3!
I own lots of "Office supplies", and all 3 seasons on DVD.
My favorite characters are:

After I check out the ScrantonBranchOffice.com I go and visit officetally.com and netteslayouts on myspace, she rules!

- I love JAM's first kiss
- The "moment from The Booze Cruise"
- The jinx
Have I met any of the cast?
No, I wish!

- Booze Cruise
- Casino Night
Here is why I love my characters. Pam because she is every girl. Jim because he is what every girl wants. Dwight because he is hilarious!!
Now it's your turn! Tell us why you LOVE The Office! Click HERE for details.
Awww thank you Jenny for the shout out of Nette's Layouts!